Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sober Review Needed

As the debate over the proposed purchase of the F-35’s continues, the tendency to fuel the fires of protest with ambiguous cost figures is counterproductive to resolving the matter. While tossing out an attention-grabbing figure of $46B may appear technically accurate, particularly to those who want to cancel the project or find fault with the actions of the government, that amount includes maintenance costs for the estimated life span of the aircraft. The budget to maintain the existing fleet of aircraft should also be factored in to ensure the overall cost for the new aircraft reflects only the actual incremental costs associated with the purchase. The increased amount over the current operational aircraft budget is the more realistic figure to quote.
From my perspective, the matter is less about the decision taken and more about the process followed. If the process followed is above board, then the decision taken does not have to meet with the approval of everyone. The fact that the government may be reviewing their plans is all that can be expected at this time. Critics need to step back and assess the matter in a more objective manner, resisting the temptation to place their own self-serving spin on how matters should have evolved.  


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