Monday, April 22, 2013

Opposing Resolves

As I watched and read about the various rallying events that followed the Boston Marathon bombing, the American resolve to face up to the actions of terrorists is indeed impressive. Whenever there is an incident that may have roots beyond the borders of the United States, there seems to be no limit to what will be done to prevent a reoccurrence of the tragedy.

And yet, there are those that are quite willing to turn a blind eye with equal resolve to what can and should be done when remedial action is inward looking. I am referring here to the calls for more gun controls that followed the Newtown school killings last December and the unwillingness of elected officials to implement measures that the majority of citizens wanted. When it comes to doing what needs to be done that's in the best interests of the general population, perhaps those with double-standards may want to consider spending some time looking at the mixed messages given from the person in the mirror. Voters should not forget, they do have a say in the matter at the ballot box.

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