Monday, July 15, 2013

Only Zimmerman Knows The Truth

It is amazing to see how some Americans are reacting to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the man who was accused in the death of Trayvon Martin. There are many that remain convinced that Martin’s death was based in part as a result of racial profiling by Zimmerman. Zimmerman is the only person that actually knows that answer. With many people feeling that it was a case of justice denied, they have taken their displeasure public with demonstrations around the United States.

Many people were unhappy when O.J Simpson was acquitted of a murder charge against his former wife, Nicole. People were also unhappy when Casey Anthony was acquitted in the murder charge regarding the death of her daughter. These high-profile cases always generate a lot of public interests with observers drawing their own conclusions on what should happen with respect to the verdict. The emotionally charged reactions that follow when expectations are not met may be avoided if we step back and allow the process to unfold without our preconceived notion of an outcome.

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