Thursday, November 07, 2013

Bieber: Deplorable Behaviour

A Brazilian news outlet is reporting that police are investigating photos of Justin Bieber painting graffiti on a wall of a former hotel in Rio de Janerio. No stranger to behaving in a less than an acceptable manner, Bieber’s off-stage antics are nothing new. While his neighbours may get upset at this squealing of tires, vandalism should not be dismissed as an act of inconsideration or some other nuisance. In many jurisdictions, vandalism is viewed as criminal activity. Bieber, especially with his celebrity status, should know better.

Here in Ottawa, a city by-law obligates property owners to immediately remove graffiti at their own costs as a way of discouraging vandals from benefiting from their acts. I am not aware of any other crime whereby the victim is held responsible for the financial costs associated with remedying the transgression. If this report about Bieber’s actions is proven correct, a fine would have less impact than a court order forcing Bieber to spend a suitable amount of time actually repairing the damages created by vandalism. This would be one Bieber indiscretion that merits more than a reprimand.

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