Monday, November 25, 2013

Iran: One Step At A Time

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with his warrior ‘let’s bomb the suckers’ mentality opts to focus on terrible outcomes rather than an outlook of reserved optimism regarding the Iran-U.S. nuclear deal, he got some support from Canada’s own pit bull minister, John Baird. While it is likely that neither the U.S. nor Iran care much about what Baird thinks, he could have offered more encouragement with the efforts currently underway rather than making comments of mistrust.

As U.S. Sec. of State John Kerry noted, this is less about trust and more about having a structure of checks and balances to ensure initial objectives are reached. When two sides have been entrenched in their positions for this long, easy does it. As long as there are discussions and compromise, it keeps fingers away from missile 'launch' buttons. Too bad there are those so eager to cast a premature ominous cloud over the deal based primarily on subjective considerations. The Iran-U.S. agreement is a good first step and one which will determine if there’s a second.

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