Tuesday, March 01, 2016

GOP: A Gong Show

If you have been following the pre-election process in the United States, particularly with the Republican party candidates, you can't help but wonder how the GOP will survive this unparalleled gong show. The normal republican decorum has been tossed out the door as candidates, with the exception of John Kasich, badmouth each other to unrestrained limits. The leader of the clown pack, Donald Trump, is a total embarrassment to the process. While Trump may be tapping into the current frustrations permeating the GOP, including their perceived go nowhere obstructionist tactics, not only has his demeanour been far less than presidential his actual ability to be president has been questioned by many.

A number of years ago there was a television program called the Gong Show. When an act was deemed unsuitable, a long hook would emerge from off camera  and pull the aspiring entertainer off stage. If the Republicans don't rid themselves of their clowns they may suffer the consequences in November. In the meantime, the Democrats are using their air time in a much more effective manner.

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