Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Canada Day - 150

As Canada gets ready to celebrate 150 years, July 1st may have a different meaning for different people. For me, it is about looking back to the day our new flag was officially raised. On a very cold February day in 1965 I was instructed along with a few other appointed "volunteers" that the Sgt/Major happened to round up to get into review order of dress and proceed to the roof of the old Montreal RCMP headquarters at 4095 Ste Catherine Street. At the time, and not fully appreciating the significance of the occasion, I thought the spur of the moment assignment may have been somewhat punitive in nature. Accustomed to working in civilian clothing, there were not too many reasons to get into uniform, especially in very cold temperatures and without sufficient clothing. I thought, who was going to see us on the roof anyway? I guess the fur hat in lieu of the normal Stetson was to compensate for a coat! I have long since realized it was indeed a privilege to be a part of that historic day. Even though there was no other non-RCMP presence on that roof, the change of flag ceremony did merit the formality it was afforded. Unfortunately, our identification section member did not have colour film in his camera. Equally unfortunate is that, with the exception of Canada’s federal buildings and perhaps businesses with connections that extend beyond the borders of Quebec, the Canadian flag is an infrequent sight in the former “La Belle Province”.

This year, Ottawa will surely be a sea of red and white this Canada Day.

Whatever you do, remember how fortunate we are in Canada.

Have a very happy and memorable Canada Day.

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