Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Melnyk-Ruddy Ongoing Saga

The Melnyk-Ruddy lawsuit and counter-lawsuit regarding the redevelopment of the LeBreton Flats is playing out like an outdated soap opera with an exaggerated emphasis on hockey. Although hockey may be a passion for some Ottawa-Gatineau residents, it should not be the main focus in the development of the site. This back and forth ongoing nonsense between John Ruddy and Eugene Melnyk needs to end. As the NCC has given both organizations a deadline of January 24th to resolve their differences, an objective both Melnyk and Ruddy are unlikely to meet, the NCC can finally decide to move in another direction. This quote from an unknown source may be a good motivation for the NCC to change course. “Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.”

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