Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Post-Pandemic Taxation

Ever wonder how long it will be before the words “social distancing, flattening the curve, self-isolation and coronavirus” are used only in medical journals or historical records? This pandemic has certainly turned everything into chaos and when, if ever, will things return to what we knew before this nasty virus travelled the globe? 
While the future may see less workers making a daily commute to a downtown office building, that could be a positive outcome for both the employer and employee. With so many people now buying more online will commercial malls ever recover?
Even though there are so many unknowns at this time, we do know that Canada’s government has been doling out money like it was candy at Halloween. Although some portion of the financial help governments are currently providing may be recovered through future economic growth, it is entirely conceivable that more taxation will be required.
Right now, governments probably do not want to overly alarm a public with suggestions of more taxes when they are already trying to cope the best they can. The bills are mounting though and the poop has yet to hit the fan.

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