Monday, December 23, 2013

Stress Free Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful time for some people. Expectations can be heightened. Demands on time and energy can be overwhelming. For some it is going through the motions to satisfy traditions. Through it all, there’s always the risk of losing sight of the moment by fretting about something else. Leave your worries to another day. The yesterdays are memories and as the future is beyond our control, cherish today.

Feeling overwhelmed, here’s a tip I heard from somewhere.  Take three pieces of paper and mark them “A”, “B” & “C”.  On the “A” list include only those things that “must” be done today. On the “B” list, write down things that need to be done within the next several days. Finally, on the “C” list, write down those things you should do when you have the time. When done, review the list to make sure you have captured everything. Now, throw “B” & “C” lists into the waste bin and focus only on the “A” list. Important matters will eventually work their way to the “A” list. If not, they were probably never that important. Try it. It may prove helpful. Remember, today is all you have right enjoy.


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