Friday, October 19, 2018

You Know You Are Getting Old When.....

You know you are getting old (or already there) when another passenger on a standing room only bus offers you their seat. And you must seem to be really old when there are several passengers more than willing, almost insistent, you take their offer. Even sunglasses and a baseball cap cannot seem to provide the needed cover from those considerate eyes. On a recent bus excursion and after declining the several generous seat offers, I opted for one hand holding onto a support pole along with having the other grasping one of those dangling overhead loop straps. As the bus booted down the road at what seemed to be full throttle taking a sharp curve in the road, one of those curves that truckers are warned about, and headed for the on-ramp to the highway I think my death grip on the pole and overhead strap stopped the flow of blood to my hands. Acting like it was no problem, more like struggling, I managed to stay on my two feet hoping the bus would reach my destination without incurring the embarrassment of arriving there on the floor.
Moral to the story: slide the pride to the side and accept with appreciation gestures of thoughtfulness. 😊

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