Friday, March 29, 2019

Gas Prices, Not A Joke

Tradition has it that on April 1stthe jokers will try and inject some levity on their friends with a dose of April Fool humour. If you happen to be at the gas pumps on April 1stand notice a sizeable increase in the price it is not an April Fool joke. Canada once again wants to show the world that Canadians are really tree-huggers, regardless of the impact the carbon tax may have on everyday people. Oh, you’ll hear the government try and hoodwink us into believing that this all about short-term pain for long-term gain even though big-polluter countries like China and the U.S. are not quite as enthusiastic about environmental issues. The short-term pain from my perspective is putting up with the Liberal government until October when hopefully some reasonable level of sanity will be returned to governance.

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