Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Horse Called "Nat"

This is about a horse called “Nat”. During the mid-1960’s, Nat was one, if not the only one, of the most magnificent horses in the RCMP stables. Although black in colour, as is the requirement for the horses in the Musical Ride, Nat was, as you may say, a cut above the rest. This horse was so well trained, it would hardly flinch at a loud bang that could often spook other horses. With limited inducement, it would keep its head held high. Given its stately appearance, Nat was the ‘riderless horse’ for state funerals in Canada. The riderless horse would follow the hearse or a caisson with riding boots in the stirrups facing backwards, described in some areas as looking back at those the deceased was leaving, or riding no more. The explanation may vary in different locations. 

You can read more about the history and use of the riderless horse at this link:

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