Thursday, April 30, 2020

Trump In Panic Mode

If you follow U.S. politics you may have observed Donald Trump in panic mode. With the U.S. presidential election this November, and Trump focused on being re-elected, he is chopping at the bit to get to his rallies. He loves large crowds, especially those that are in awe of him, and enjoys rambling on praising himself while criticizing others. His base loves that. Until he can get back to the rallies he relies on Twitter and daily White House briefings to keep connected to his diehard supporters.

With the pandemic virus taking center stage, Trump no longer talks about building the Mexico-U.S. border wall. Trump was briefed in January about the looming health crisis but did nothing. He even tried to brush it off as a seasonal flu that would quickly disappear. When the death stats started to get his attention he resorted to his usual playbook for dealing with problem matters. Blame someone. While his deny, deflect and distract tactics may have worked in his private life he now has to remember that there are those who keep tabs on his ongoing mistruths. During his first three years in office Trump is on the record for having stated more than 16,000 falsehoods. The media seems to shy away from the word ‘lies’.

In his desperation to redirect his poor handling of this pandemic, Trump started by not only blaming China but also musing about the idea that they may have intentionally developed the virus. He threatened to go after them legally and he is now suggesting China’s role behind the virus was to hurt his chances at re-election. Playing the victim card seems to be Trump’s go-to strategy when all else fails.

There appears to be no limit to what Trump will say or do to get re-elected. One thing for sure, he will not look in the mirror to learn why he lost. He will though orchestrate some type of irrational explanation that will surely blame someone or something. The victim will then go on to something else.

History will not be kind to Trump’s presidency.

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