Monday, May 04, 2020

Protecting The Vulnerable

Long-term care homes, especially those in Ontario and Quebec, have been the hotspots for COVID-19 deaths. Although there may have been other health considerations that could have contributed to these deaths, people are understandably questioning the level of care that is being provided. As a result, there are increasing discussions around proposals for class-action lawsuits.
Given the highly challenging conditions confronting the caregivers in these homes, it may be difficult to determine which deaths were negligence and/or preventable with the courts having to decide if the management of the care homes had taken all reasonable actions.
Pending the outcome of various reviews, investigations and possible legal actions, an increased level of government oversight with an emphasis on proactive action by conducting random and unannounced visits may help alleviate some of the current family concerns. 
What is Canada’s Minister of Seniors doing on this? 

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