Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Muslim Brotherhood Concerns

A new report released in the media suggests that the Canadian government should be paying more attention to the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood. "According to the report, entitled The Muslim Brotherhood in North America (Canada/U.S.) and written by Tom Quiggin, a court expert on terrorism, “The aim of the group in North America is to weaken and destroy the free and open societies within Canada and the U.S.A. from within and replace them with the heavily politicized views of [founder] Hassan Banna, Sayyid Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood".

Given Quiggin's accepted credibility on these matters, the statement does create some cause for concern. Although it would probably take some time, or never materialize, to overcome the predominant Christian influence in North American society, the Brotherhood's activities would be a persistent threat to the freedoms now enjoyed by all. If Egypt, with a Muslim population of approx. 90%, banned the group along with executing some of its leaders that should be enough to raise a big red flag on this side of the ocean.

Perhaps it is time for our government to make an official interpretation that freedom of religion is intended for  homes and places of worship. Allowing religions to enter the public domain or places of employment simply creates conditions for rivalry. Based on history as well as current events in some parts of the world, that is a recipe for disastrous consequences. When will we learn?

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