Friday, May 16, 2014

Novel Entertainment

Life in a condominium complex that has many residents with one foot in the grave or teetering on the edge can be quite boring at times. Occasionally, when the paramedics arrive with lights flashing on their ambulance, the ordinary turns to curiosity as people speculate on the purpose of the call. The other day, the break in the usual routine became somewhat more entertaining. An owner informed me that as they were getting ready to retire for the night, perhaps around 11PM, they looked their window and saw a young couple doing what young couples do. Let’s just call it hanky panky.

As they started their story my first question was the obvious “what did you do?” To my complete surprise, they said they called the police. When the police arrived and caught the young couple in their vehicle headlights, the couple then had some excitement of the unwanted kind as they grabbed their belongings and successfully escaped. When the condo resident asked me what I would have done I said I would have taken some photos or tapped on the window to say hi. While the resident appeared a little disturbed at what had happened, by the time we got through our discussion of ‘what ifs’ their angst had disappeared after several minutes of laughing over what was now deemed a very funny incident.

Now back to the boring routine of waiting for the next ambulance.

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