Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mental Health: Growing Concern

Once again, the death of a popular celebrity, Robin Williams in this instance, has underscored the need for more open discussion about mental health. While we may have some understanding of the various physical illnesses humans will encounter, and we have made considerable advancement in the treatment of certain conditions, we are still a long way from getting the treatment of mental illness the attention it deserves.

Knowing that there are an estimated 100 billion brain nerve cells may help understand that an imbalances can happen. Depending on interpretation, there are an estimated 300+ different manifestations of mental illness. While some people opt to suffer in silence or perhaps are unable or unwilling to acknowledge their situation, there are others that reach out for help. Based on available information, it appears that Williams did reach for help. People ask why did he kill himself? Even if we may tend to think that Williams was the one to best answer that question, he himself may not have fully understood why his state of despair pushed him to that life-ending conclusion.

Although it can be heartbreaking to see someone living in a state that everyone else may recognize as being unhealthy, unless there is some type of influential intervention, what can you do for those that fail to take an extended hand?
If you see a person on the verge of drowning, and even though they may not have asked for help because they are preoccupied with their current state, you may either try and rescue them yourself or keep tossing them a life saver hoping that they will eventually grab it. I guess the same analogy can be applied to those struggling with mental illness. We just need to keep reaching out, hoping to make that life-saving as well as life-altering connection.

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