Friday, August 01, 2014

Peace Tower Zipline!

When you consider that the normal 'news' content in major daily newspapers is less than happy news, Kelly Egan's column in the August 1st edition of the Ottawa Citizen is a refreshing change. A personal story, based on a recent trip to Las Vegas, including Egan's take on the newest attraction, the Slotzilla zipline, it is quite entertaining.

Although Egan suggests a zipline for Sparks Street, I believe we could have one starting from the top of the Peace Tower and ending just beyond and slightly above the eternal flame. We could use the zipline to send disgraced politicians on their way, toasting them, or perhaps their butts as they pass over the flame and creating a suitable send off from the Parliamentary precinct. Can you just imagine the look on some of those faces as they zip down? Too funny! Perhaps. But what a great consequence for wayward and, in some cases, fraudulent behaviour.

If you would like to read Egan's column or learn more about Slotzilla, here are two links: and   

For those in Ontario: Enjoy the long weekend.

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