Thursday, July 20, 2017

Media Should Not Create News

Unlike the American news media’s obsession with scrutinizing the alleged Trump-Russian connection, true to form, some of the Canadian media seems to consider breeches in British royalty protocol as newsworthy. The July 20th National Post insert in the Ottawa Citizen devoted the equivalent of a full page to what many would consider a big yawn. You see, as the Queen and Canada’s Governor General David Johnston were leaving Canada House in London, concerned the 91-year-old Queen may trip on the stairs, the GG took hold of her arm at the elbow. That, according to British protocol, is a no-no. Do not touch the Queen. Don’t even extend your hand to shake hands unless she makes the gesture first.

Perhaps, just a slow day in the newsroom but certainly not a very charitable way to highlight Mr. Johnston’s remaining days as Governor General. With the Queen apparently unconcerned about what happened, why did the media opt to create the news rather than stick with journalistic integrity and only report news?

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