Thursday, August 31, 2017

Caring For The Vulnerable

While it is welcome news that Ottawa’s auditor is now undertaking a review of the city’s long-term care homes, it is unfortunate the situation had to reach this point. Considering the vulnerability of some residents, the review of care homes should be done on a proactive basis rather than as a result of adverse publicity. Hopefully, one of the recommendations will be to conduct periodic unannounced random reviews and to install video cameras in all common areas.
Although there are some people that may be unable to relate to the less than acceptable care some residents in long-term homes may experience, they can ponder their own expectations of what would they consider a suitable level of care for themselves.  Chances are they would be hard pressed to find a place that meets their criteria on an ongoing basis. Those in long-term care without their own advocate are often the ones most at risk.

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