Tuesday, November 20, 2012

NHL Profit Pie

As some hockey fans seek other ways to fill the void created by the possibility of winter without the NHL, my thoughts and concerns are with the small businesses and those employed by the NHL, excluding the players and owners, as they deal with the reality of reduced income. While most people may not be familiar with all the specific details of the contract dispute, the player’s quest for a bigger piece of the profit pie seems to be the focus of attention. Both owners and players are already receiving obscene amounts of money for hockey. The average Canadian cannot afford to attend too many, if any, hockey games. With the recovery of the Canadian economy teetering on either slowly creeping forward or to falling back into another potentially deeper recession, it is very hard to provide any sympathy for millionaires seeking more money. The players and owners seem to be out of touch with the current reality. They should not be shocked if hockey fans start abandoning the NHL by providing more attention to other hockey leagues.

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