Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Snowden: Misguided

The Edward Snowden case has generated a wide range of reactions, from support to condemnation. Snowden is the man that took it upon himself to tell the world about certain intelligence gathering activities being used by the U.S. government to keep one step ahead of terrorists. In a June 26th Ottawa Citizen commentary, deputy editorial pages editor Kate Heartfield has not clearly condemned the actions of Edward Snowden and her commentary tends to suggest that she is supportive of his disclosures. While I agree that “citizens in democracies can choose to give up civil liberties in exchange for security” it is a decision that cannot be advanced by individuals with their own interpretation on how the government should conduct itself. We elect representatives to further our best interests and it is those people that are tasked with ensuring the machinery of government in all its various capacities functions to established expectations. Those government activities with serious consequences for errors, particularly when it comes to the privacy of its citizens, have a variety of checks and balances to safeguard our democratic rights. Snowden is no “Little Brother”, a term used by Heartfield. Although Snowden may think his actions served some useful purpose, rather than run and hide, he should step forward and explain himself in a U.S. court of law.

Heartfield’s article is at this link:

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