Friday, August 23, 2013

Time For Charter Renewal

Margaret Somerville’s comments on the latest kerfuffle being created by the Parti Quebecois proposal to venture down the risk-laden path that pits politics against religion are interesting, particularly her concluding observations of those that may consider religion in the context of an idea. While some people may continue to view “faith as integral to being human”, as the number of secularists continues to increase so will the need to rethink how we can accommodate everyone, even if that entails some clarifications to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Although some people may shudder at the thought of going in a direction of charter renewal, we should not have any aversions in revisiting any legislation that does not continue to meet the needs of those it serves. We are already in the process of discussing the laws associated with the use of marijuana. Perhaps Quebec will ultimately lead the debate to enshrine the rights of those who seek freedom from religion.

You can read Somerville’s entire Ottawa Citizen article at this link:

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