Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Quebec's Double-Standard Charter of Values

When you mull over the Parti Quebecois decision for keeping a crucifix in the Quebec legislature, their reference to “historical significance” seems to be at odds with the growing number of Quebecers that have opted to distance themselves from the Catholic Church.  While the PQ game plan here may be to ensure they do not alienate their main voter base, disgruntled former church-going separatists, they have overlooked the requirement to practice what they are preaching. If the government wishes to be true to its promotion of secular values, the Quebec National Assembly should reflect that commitment.  It is somewhat hypocritical to say that those employed in the public sector should not wear turbans etc and then say it is alright for elected politicians, regardless of their religious affiliations, to have to face a large crucifix while in the legislature. Political undertakings with questionable double standards are seldom effective and may often lead to more conflict-ridden social problems. Does Premier Marois believe in being 'half-pregnant'?

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