Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Justin Trudeau: Charm or Substance

Justin Trudeau, the federal Liberal party’s alleged saviour that will hopefully bring the needed votes to get back the keys to 24 Sussex Drive, seems to be stumbling his way along to his goal of ousting the Conservatives. It seems that with each passing month, he does or says something that he soon regrets. While some of these gaffes may be part of the normal learning curve, they do give ammunition to the other political parties for their strategies in trying to bring Trudeau’s leadership competence under question.

Even though the federal election is still 2 years away, Trudeau must realize that he cannot afford to wait until the actual election campaign to demonstrate that he has something better to offer voters. He needs to prove that he is more than a temporary distraction, particularly to those voters that are looking for more than a charming personality.

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