Friday, November 22, 2013

Notion of Entitlement vs Ethics

The House of Commons opposition parties appear to be circling the Harper wagon with increased enthusiasm. While I can understand their zest with what they may believe are circumstances in support of their quest for a Harper ‘gotcha’ moment, they should also be devoting more of their energy to addressing the business of government.

Although it may be a challenge to believe that the Prime Minister was not aware of what was going on with the Duffy file, as long as there’s no direct evidence implicating his involvement we need to provide him that benefit of doubt. With that in mind however, it does suggest a possibility that those around him in the PMO may have wanted to shield him from a file that had the potential to become a nasty affair, which it has. From my perspective, there are concerns that some political staffers may be placing an unwarranted amount of influence trying to direct outcomes in areas where they have no business and for that the Prime Minister must assume responsibility.

When all is said and done regarding what Mr. Harper may or may not have known, we should not lose sight of why we are at this point and that is because there were those who allowed their sense of entitlement to trump what was morally ethical.

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