Tuesday, April 09, 2019

"Alexa" & "Siri" Rebel

From my perspective, some creature-comfort technology has brought both good and not-so-good changes to our lives. From the first television remote device to change the channels, and only my generation may be able to relate to that, “Siri” and “Alexa” now offer many advantages to those inclined to save their energies for other pursuits. While these improvements may have benefited some people, it has also encouraged a more sedentary lifestyle. Perhaps the following programmed responses into our popular technologies could provide some motivation for more get-up-and-move.

Person: “Alexa”, turn on the light.
Alexa:  Get off your butt and turn it on yourself.

Person: “Hey Siri” spell ‘lazy’
Siri:  “Y-O-U”                        JJ

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