Monday, March 31, 2014

Barbequing Improvements :)

After living in a condo for the past several years my familiarity with the use of a gas barbeque was somewhat dated. My first experience with lighting gas barbeques was based on the principle of trying to avoid an explosion or having your eyebrows unceremoniously removed with one quick singe job. Lighting those original gas barbeques always carried a risk of blowing something up. It was a process of trial and error, with an emphasis on a small margin of error. The procedure typically involved in first lifting the lid of the barbeque followed by turning on the gas and then trying to get one of those useless barbeque flints to work. As they were not very effective, I, like many others, simply resorted to getting a match lit and near enough and fast enough to the spewing gas to avoid a mini-explosion.

A recent opportunity to relive the enjoyment of cooking a meal on a barbeque, and without knowing the advances that have been made in getting it lit, I approached the barbeque with an interest of keeping my face unscathed, not that it could do with some improvements. After checking to see that the gas line was turned on, I got the match ready turning the burner on at the same time. To my amazement, the flames started as soon as I turned the burner knob. No matches needed and most important, no unwanted detonation, not to mention still having my eyebrows intact. What a great advancement in barbequing?  J

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