Monday, March 24, 2014

Separatists In Denial

As a native of Montreal with great memories of my early life in Quebec, particularly in the pre-PQ days, it is somewhat troubling to watch those that continue to think Quebecers would be better off as an isolated community, not only in Canada but in all of North America. With many societies around the world working toward building bridges to connect communities, the PQ continues to advance a thinking that focuses on building fences. Rather than concentrate on issues that many people are anxious to hear about, such as the economy, health care and education, the PQ tends to direct its energies towards issues that tend to divide rather than unite. In their never-ending quest for separation, the PQ seems to think the universe will unfold according to its own expectations, a naïve presumption from my perspective. Hopefully, one hundred years from now the historical record will reveal how Quebec dallied with the notion of separation for a few years and only to conclude it was better off to stay within a united Canada.

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