Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Suspend Licence For Texting

The Ontario government is advancing legislation that will increase the fine for distracted driving from $280 to $325 with a three-demerit-point penalty, inadequate from my persepctive. Seatbelt legislation was introduced in Ontario on Jan. 1st, 1976. Although compliance is reported to be around 96%, the $240 fine and two-demerit-point penalty seems to have little deterrence for the remaining 4%. Based on available information regarding the number of licensed drivers in Ontario, it would suggest that approximately 400,000 drivers are still not using their seatbelts.

Recent educational campaigns are stating that a driver is 23 times more likely to have an accident while driving and texting and 6 times more than drunk driving. Perhaps the first offence for distracted driving should be the current maximum of $500 with a second offence getting a suspended licence for 3 to 6 months. Considering the grim statistics associated with distracted driving can we afford to wait 38 years to reach a 96% compliance?

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