Friday, August 25, 2017

Mike Duffy Without Shame

Mike Duffy thinks he deserves $7.8M for what he feels was damage to his reputation etc resulting from the criminal charges brought against him regarding his predisposition to dip into the public purse. He infers his acquittal was a sign of innocence and not that he was given the benefit of doubt. I will pause here while I upchuck.

Simply stated, Duffy has no moral compass. His sense of self-entitlement has no limits. Duffy’s claim that others were doing the same thing is like telling the police officer after you have been pulled over for speeding that everyone else does it. Poor not-so-little Mike Duffy. And to think he was not just being happy with the fact that he was appointed a senator, he had to exploit it to the maximum for his own personal gain. Have you no shame Mr. Duffy….I think not.
Isn't this an interesting image?

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