Sunday, August 13, 2017

Trump Making America Hate Again

This past weekend, white nationalists picked Charlottesville, Virginia to unleash their racist views by staging a ‘unite the right’ rally. They were met with opposing protesters which was followed by violence and the death of one person. Two state police officers also died when their helicopter crashed. Although Pres. Trump expressed a broad condemnation of the violence on both sides, many were disappointed he did not specifically signal out the white supremacists for initiating the confrontation. Former KKK leader, David Duke, was unhappy with the president’s response and directed this comment to him; “I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists”.

Fortunately, although not every Trump supporter sides with those weekend nut-jobs, Hillary Clinton was right on the mark in describing some of Trump’s voting base as a basket of deplorables. When most presidents are normally doing their best to unite their citizens, Donald Trump seems intent on doing the opposite. And to think he has only been president for a little over 6 months. The next generation of Americans will probably look back to this period and say ‘what were they thinking?’. Trump is not making America great again. He is making America hate again.

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