Monday, September 02, 2013

Assad Alternative Could Be Worse

It seems that with each passing day, the arguments being advanced to stay out of Syria are getting stronger. More people are coming to the realization that this is not about good versus evil, but simply the level of evilness that will emerge as victor. No one disputes the atrocities being committed and even though there has been no provision of direct proof linking Assad to the chemical attacks, his denial of involvement is far from convincing.

If the U.S., or anyone else for that matter, decides to ‘punish’ Assad, and there’s no disputing the fact that he deserves to be dealt with harshly, nothing of long-term benefit will occur. It will only be a temporary setback and maybe make a problem situation worse. To rid Syria of Assad, opens the door to years of civil war between fighting factions of jihadists all bent on imposing some sort of population controlling rule that is likely worse than Assad. The situation in Syria is one whereby the external stakeholders realize that the outcome will be defined by the degree of wickedness that will remain. Sometimes intervention is not beneficial and perhaps this is one of those times.  

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