Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Controlled Immigration A Must

The mass exodus of people seeking refuge from the ravages of war is starting to show its impact on the coping mechanism of some countries that have extended a helping hand. The first priority of governments however is to ensure the well-being of their own citizens.

Notwithstanding the humanitarian effort and feel-good benefit that is derived from helping the less fortunate, there are emerging social and security concerns with permissive open-door policies. Unlike controlled immigration which can help ensure a smoother transition to a new life and minimize or even avoid an ongoing drain on the public purse, those trying to bypass the normal process by jumping the queue as political refugees can ultimately place an undue and extended burden on the receiving country.

Considering what is happening right now, at some point, and perhaps the day is near, governments at all levels may have to pay more attention to its first priority.

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