Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Harper Has Reached His Best Before Date?

With each passing incident that draws negative attention to the leadership within the federal Conservative Party the need for change at the helm must be on the minds of many within that party. While the practice of strict control and decision-making currently centered in the PMO may have been beneficial at the beginning of the term to keep the party program and policy agenda focused, it appears to be in dire need of a rethinking. Over the past year there have been too many questions, with many gone unanswered, that have eroded the perceived integrity and competence of the leadership within the governing party.

Although Stephen Harper may have provided a strong and controlling leadership that served the party well in its early years, it may be time for change at the top. Leaders of political parties have best-before-dates and Stephen Harper may be nearing his. From my perspective, the future success (Oct. 19th, 2015) of the Conservative Party may ultimately come from a change in leadership.

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