Saturday, May 03, 2014

Ontario Election

Now that the Ontario NDP have finally given the Liberals a well deserved thumbs-down, the next month will see a lot of finger-pointing blame, promises that cater to every conceivable voter and grand-standing by each candidate about the great job they’ll do to make your life better. Blah, blah, blah. Here’s the thing. The Ontario Liberals have had their chance and as politics go, they have passed their best-before date and are a disappointment on many levels. The NDP with their socialist oriented thinking will likely advance programs that will increase the provincial deficit and discourage economic growth. That leaves the P.C.’s, which is not much from my perspective. While Tim Hudak may be the nicest person around, he fails to impress as a political leader that will make things happen. He has had ample time to iron out a strategy that will capture the voter’s attention but thus far seems to be working a default position. At this point in time, another minority government seems highly feasible. Which one will be the next premier: Wynne, Horwath or Hudak?  This is Hudak’s election to lose. If he fails to obtain a majority government, he will have to go.

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