Friday, June 13, 2014

Hudak Failed To Connect

What does Tim Hudak have in common with Michael Ignatieff and Stephane Dion?  They were unable to connect with voters.

While I was hoping voters would put the Liberals in the penalty box for a few years, like they did at the federal level a few years ago, the less than effective campaigns of both Hudak and Horwath likely helped Kathleen Wynne garner a majority win. Congratulations are in order for Wynne's success. Let's hope that Wynne and her team can deliver on the promises made.

Upon learning that it was not meant to be, Tim Hudak did what he had to do and that is step away from the position of party leader. Whether it was his team or Hudak himself, the P.C. campaign message was not one that tried to build bridges. I have read that Hudak is a very personable individual. Unfortunately, his demeanour  during the campaign failed to make that connection. People will wish him well. The P.C.'s now have the time to take a long look in the mirror to develop a platform that attracts people from all parts of Ontario. Finding a person that can lead in a manner that brings people together is probably their first big challenge.

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