Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hudak Fails To Inspire

Michael Den Tandt, in Ottawa Citizen edition dated June 11th, provided a good assessment of the Ontario election campaign, an opinion that is probably shared by many. Although Liberal leader Kathleen Wynne may have done her best in trying to distance herself from some of the controversial decisions made by her governing party, and notwithstanding NDP's Andrea Horwath's tactic of offering an alternative to "corrupt or crazy", there are those, perhaps the critical swing-vote, that feel the Liberals are in need of a well-deserved timeout. This election campaign should have and could have been a cakewalk for the Ontario Conservatives. I believe Den Tandt hit the nail on the head with his comment that Hudak 'needed only to....reach across the aisle'. Hudak's continued leadership of the Conservatives rests with one outcome, a majority government.

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