Sunday, June 08, 2014

Ontario Premier: "None of the above"

"None of the above".  That's the feeling of some people as it relates to the choices between Wynne, Hudak and Horwath.  As the day for final voting (June 12th)  in Ontario's provincial election draws closer, and if recent polls are an indication, the possibility of another minority government is very real. In my May 9th blog, I mentioned the value that a leader's debate could make in helping people decide. The debate came and went without offering any knockout punches. So much for that!

While my own personal polling is not worth a hill of beans, there has been a common thread throughout and that is a dissatisfaction with all three main parties. I live in an area where voters usually toggle back and forth between the Liberals and the Conservatives with the NDP stuck in perpetual 3rd place. Although diehard party supporters will stick with their party no matter what, this election will probably be determined by that critical mass that normally sits on the fence and who decide only when they look at the names on the ballot at the polling station.  Unfortunately for Premier Wynne she is connected to the recent Liberal boondoggles and Hudak has been less than completely effective in connecting with voters. Horwath's message is also boring. This election campaign has been a disappointing one for many people.
As "none of the above" is not an option, I will cast my vote and keep my fingers crossed that we are not faced with the prospect of spending another $80 million in election costs next year. Remember, if you don't vote you can't complain.

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