Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014

Today, some Quebecers celebrate their "FĂȘte nationale". Growing up in Montreal during the 1950's I always looked forward to the St. Jean Baptiste parade. It was a great family day which signalled the start of summer holidays. At some point in the years that followed, the parade became a vehicle for the separatist agenda. To the best of my knowledge, non-francophones have never been encouraged to participate. If Quebecers are sincere in celebrating their annual holiday as a home for all residents, they need to have events that are reflective of that. The current approach simply reinforces the isolationist mentality. While it may take some time before hard core nationalists remove their self-imposed psychological fence that they have built between themselves and the rest of Canada, we can only hope for an annual Quebec holiday that is all-inclusive in nature and that recognizes the contributions made by all segments of the population over the past 180 years.

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